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Musekese Conservation (MC) is a non-profit organization based in the Kafue National Park, Zambia. Musekese has been operating in the Musekese-Lumbeya area of the Kafue since 2018.


The Kafue National Park is the largest National Park in Zambia spanning an impressive 22,400 square kilometres. It is home to a multitude of species including; elephants, lions, leopard, cheetah, wild dog, kudu, impala, zebra, hippos, crocodiles and the list goes on.


It is not surprising considering the size of the park that Kafue has more than one organization working to protect and conserve the park and the animals within it whether it be through anti-poaching efforts, community initiatives/support or environmental education programs. But with such a massive area to cover it is no wonder that there are still areas that need more attention and support to effectively combat the threats that the Kafue face.


This is where Musekese Conservation identified a need and set up in 2018 to work with, and support the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to help conserve big cat populations and other species for the long term viability of both tourism and conservation. Musekese works within the Musekese-Lumbeya area north of the park which covers approximately 5% of the whole park (2,400 square kilometres). This area has historically been identified as a hot-spot for poaching and illegal activity with limited access for patrol teams to be deployed into.


Since 2018 MC has supported two DNPW anti-poaching teams, have recruited, trained and outfitted an additional two teams which have been operational since 2019. Furthermore with funding from the Lion Recovery Fund MC has managed to build a strategic anti-poaching base in the area where scouts can be trained and recruited.


To learn more about what Musekese Conservation does on the ground and who they are please check out their website:​




Conservation Lower Zambezi

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% of sales sold at Chiawa Camp go here!

Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) is a non-profit organisation committed to the protection of wildlife and the sustainable use of natural resources in the Lower Zambezi in Zambia. Established in 1994, CLZ is centred around three main pillars of support: Wildlife Protection, Environmental Education, and Community Empowerment—actively working towards a vision of a valued, protected and thriving Lower Zambezi landscape. The organization works in collaboration with Zambia’s local wildlife authority, the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), to ensure the sustainability of wildlife in the Lower Zambezi Valley and their ecosystems. 


Wildlife Protection: CLZ supports DNPW to carry out foot-patrols by teams of DNPW Wildlife Police Officers as well as CLZ Community Scouts. CLZ’s aircraft carries out aerial patrols to monitor wildlife and identify signs of illegal activity. CLZ supports a specialised Dog Unit, Marine Unit, and Rapid Deployment Team that work in collaboration with Investigations and Intelligence Units to ensure a higher rate of success. CLZ also supports a Judicial Programme in partnership with Wildlife Crime Prevention (WCP) to track wildlife court cases and monitor the progress of arrests to ensure correct convictions in wildlife related cases. 


Environmental Education Programme (EEP): CLZ’s EEP supports the next generation by providing more knowledge and awareness of the environment and its importance. CLZ works with conservation clubs in 65 schools in the Game Management Areas surrounding the Lower Zambezi National Park. Each year, CLZ also brings students to CLZ’s basecamp and provides vital health, sanitation, and HIV/AIDS awareness information as well as outreach visits to each community.


Community Empowerment: CLZ supports communities living in Game Management Areas neighbouring Lower Zambezi National Park. In partnership with the local Community Resource Boards, CLZ provides solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflict, collects information on HWC incidences, and supports a communication between local communities and wildlife authorities. CLZ also engages in alternative income projects and Conservation Agreements to help the community benefit further—both directly and indirectly—from the environment. CLZ currently employs 88 people in total— a majority of whom are hired from the local communities. 


To learn more about what Conservation Lower Zambezi does please check out their website


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North Luangwa Conservation Programme

5% of the North Luangwa Rhino Collection sales are donated to NLCP

The North Luanwa Conservation Programme (NLCP) is based in North Luangwa, Zambia and is a partnership between the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and the Zambian Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW). Their mandate is to protect and conserve the North Luangwa National Park and it's surrounding Game Management Areas.


NLCP focuses on the following areas:

Ranger Training, Anti-poaching, Wildlife Monitoring, Conservation Education, Community Based Resource Management projects, Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation and Capacity Building.


At the heart of NLCP lies the principle that if endangered flagship species, like elephants and rhinos can be protected then all other species and habitats will benefit. NLCP has since 2003 reintroduced the Black Rhino to Zambian soils and continues to embark on this journey whilst working to monitor, protect and successfully reintroduce this species back into the Zambian wild.


To learn more about NLCP, who they are and what they are doing on the ground please visit their website


Beyond Me Designs has recognized the important and integral work of all three of these organisations and what they are doing on the ground. With that in mind a % of every item sold across the collections and in our stockists is donated back to one of these wildlife conservation organisations.


Now if that's not an excuse to buy gorgeous conservation inspired jewelry, then I just really don't know what is?!?

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